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Acrobatic Partner Yoga is a practice that blends the age old wisdom of yoga with basic partner acrobatics, physical conditioning and healing arts techniques.  The class is designed to increase strength, flexibility, coordination and sensitivity in a safe and progressive way.  For safety, spotters are always used in acrobatic sequences. Known as 
"The Yoga of Trust" AcroYoga is an art of giving and receiving which cultivates Joy, Connection, Playfulness and Community.  Bring a friend or just yourself, no partner is required.  Open to all skill levels!


Beginner's Yoga Course

An excellent class for the beginner wanting to start a regular yoga practice or for a student who has only taken 'drop-in' style classes and would like to understand the yoga principles available in a progressive, structured class format. Working with mainly standing asanas (postures), transitions between poses, attention to breath and subtleties that will move your practice from just a physical exercise into the traditional and ancient therapeutic benefits as yoga was intended. Benefits include more embodied movement and breath connection, balance, strength, and flexibility while working towards the slow but rewarding process of removing blockages, patterns, and conditioning which brings change and allows you relief from stress patterns and/or physical/psychological limitations and pain. Each week we will focus on a different standing posture and one seated posture, amidst the general flow of more preparatory and sequential yoga sequence. We met twice a week for the month to develop consistency and repetition as this is where true integrative learning takes place. It is recommended that you take the whole course but if your schedule does not permit please speak with our front desk staff beforehand about partial enrollment.


Rose City Rebel Dhamma Meditation

Portland Rose City Rebel Dharma-Dharma Punx is an Insight meditation and discussion group/sangha. The name Dharma Punx comes from teacher and author Noah Levine. We honor the name by embracing our rebellious natures, and by turning that energy toward spiritual practice. We offer a casual space to meditate in community, explore Buddhist teachings, and share personal experience. Each week includes a partially led 40 minute meditation, reflections on Buddhist teachings, and an opportunity to share about practice and/or ask questions. Everyone is welcome regardless of tradition, no meditation experience necessary. Led by Heather Fercho. Heather Fercho is an experienced Buddhist practitioner in the Theravada-Ajahn Chah lineage. Most of her retreat experience has been with the monastic community of that tradition. She has been a part of the leadership of this group for over 5 years. No prior experience necessary


Empowered Vinyasa

Empowered Vinyasa is a practice that cultivates an attitude of curiosity and ease for the student.  It offers the student tools to practice your yoga with self acceptance and a sense of playfulness. The practice is accessible to all body types and temperaments.  We draw from movement carefully aligned with breath, sound, and meditation to bring strength, flexibility and balance to the body and mind. In group classes, Empowered Vinyasa teachers offer individualized coaching, along with specific variations and adaptations, to help students deepen their yoga experience. In private sessions, teacher collaborate with students to design custom practices tailored to the student's capabilities  and needs.

Hatha Yoga Basics Hatha Yoga Basics is a well rounded and slower-paced class with an emphasis on learning proper alignment in a variety of poses, reducing stress, and connecting to the breath. This class is appropriate for beginners, but also provides a full practice for more advanced students. This class will increase energy, and strengthen the muscles, while encouraging you to breathe more freely and fully. Typical classes will combine floor work and standing poses, with a focus on cultivating flexibility, strength and balance. All levels welcome!


Lunch Hour / Happy Hour $8 Community Classes

A strong and energetic hour of vinyasa for yogis who like a lot of movement. Fun, fast-paced, and judgment-free! Get your power on!



This class will focus on yoga breathing, asana and meditation, as well as honoring the changing landscape within a woman's body. It will help with the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy, and increase flexibility. Pre-natal yoga is a great support for women at any stage of their pregnancy.


Restorative Yoga

Works with supported poses, pranayama and meditation for stress reduction and inner stillness. Using yoga props (blankets, straps) to ease you into yoga postures. These restorative poses are great for relaxing the mind and body and recharging the immune system. Slowing your pace down is so important these days, and this class allows for just that. All levels welcome.


Shadow Yoga

Shadow Yoga is a school of Hatha Yoga founded by Zhander Remete, which begins with the practice of fixed forms or 'preludes'. These fixed forms help to undo habitual patterns of tension in the physical body, which hinder the movement of the breath and the life force.  

There are three preludes in the Shadow Yoga system. Before the student moves toward the more advanced limbs of yoga, such as asana, inversions and prayanama it is vital that they practice these preparatory forms. It may take 3 to 7 years depending on student's constitution to master the preludes. Once the preludes are learned, the winds of the body are harmonized and inner balance is achieved in the physical, energetic and mental bodies. 


There are three preludes in the Shadow Yoga system. 



The first prelude is Balakrama. This form develops strength and stamina through stance work and it is the first step in cultivating coordination and rhythm through correct positioning and awareness of the vital junctions. Unique to Shadow Yoga is also the cultivation of a very focused, calm, and persistent frame of mind, brought on by the use of the breath and rhythmic movements.


Chaya Yodha Sanchalanam

Once Balakrama is learned students move toward the second prelude, Chaya Yodha Sanchalanam. This prelude works with deeper and broader stances. Coordination of movement and breath as well as the the use of uddiyana bandha is refined. Uddiyana bandha is central to developing the rhythm of movement and breath in the preludes.


Kartikeya Mandalam

Kartikeya Mandalam is the third and final prelude. It is strongly recommended that the first two preludes are mastered before the student moves to this form. This is the most complicated and subtlest of the preludes. It is the most appropriate for later stages of asana work. Kartikkeya Mandalam consists of spiraling and twisting stance work. It teaches the coordination of the limbs and the spine. Practice of this prelude provides a means of overcoming these restrictions and prepares the student for further stages of yogasana. 


The preludes don't form the whole of the Shadow Yoga practice, but are the preparatory elements that prepare students to approach asana and the other activities with ease and gain the benefits intended without strain or injury.


Yoga Therapy

Yoga was designed for the individual, and the best way to discover this is with a personalized practice. Yoga therapy uses many different tools including movement, breath, mindfulness, sound, and visualization. The student may come in for physical pain or injury recovery, as well as help with a personal practice for stress or anxiety management, balancing life & work, or transitioning through a difficult time.

Jody Kurilla teaches function versus form in Yoga Therapy, helping you recognize repetitive movement patterns and finding the balance between what is weak and what might be overworked in your muscular body. Designed for injury rehabilitation, chronic pain and for anyone interested in learning more about their patterns. Students are given specific exercises tailored to their needs at the end of the session.

Jody offers work with individual clients as well as offer unique group classes that offer a Yoga Therapeutic perspective.



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